Community Activities

Is able to seek out and build relationships with local artists and others in the community where they serve.

Ethnoarts personnel should be working closely with local artists, leaders, and other stakeholders. Foundational to ethnoarts is working alongside communities, and their involvement is critical to the success of any project as well as its long-term vitality.

Is able to facilitate an ethnoarts event in culturally-appropriate ways with effective cross-cultural teaching methods.

This covers a variety of potential activities that EthnoArts personnel will engage in with a community. All involve communicating with artists and other community members to work together on how to best meet community needs, with an emphasis on empowering and enabling the local community to take the lead role.

Is able to assist local language programs and other projects with ethnoarts questions and incorporating EthnoArts into their planning.

In EthnoArts, consulting is more than just problem-solving or providing expertise on a topic to a group. It involves a request for training, and conversation about goals, a plan for moving forward, and an evaluation at the end. In EthnoArts, we highly value the relationship and empowerment of the community over providing answers for them. An important goal of EthnoArts consulting is learning and growing through the process, not just a focus on the end result. It is focused on listening, learning, gently walking alongside the community, and their empowerment.