Skills and Methodologies

Is able to respectfully learn about a communities' artistic expressions.

Doing research is foundational to ethnoarts. Ethnographic research is necessary for engaging with communities and projects. Knowledge of their culture and artistic expressions is essential.

Is able to perform an initial analysis of the artistic features of a community’s artistic genres.

Analyses contribute vitally to local communities’ efforts to address their needs and aspirations. Instructional methodologies include participation in these arts.

Is able to apply appropriate methodology to a wide variety of situations in the field.

Arts personnel will greatly benefit from understanding the development of theories to know why research and ministry are done the way they are today. This will also help the worker to apply the correct methodology in a given situation.

Is able to present the message and practice of following Christ in a manner that is culturally relevant.

Arts Specialists and Consultants should have a broad understanding of the Christian messages and practices through history and across cultures. 

Is able to implement interactive, dialogic learning activities for communities. 

Ethnoarts workers need to be able to engage with a local community to catalyze the creation of new vernacular Scripture-based and community-development messages in indigenous forms of artistic communication.