Promoting Ethnoarts
Is able to effectively communicate about ethnoarts to a variety of audiences.
EthnoArts personnel promote and share about what EthnoArts is (and is not, to help correct misconceptions) and how it integrates with a wide variety of domains with partners, churches, people, and ministries. This is an important part of each EthnoArts worker’s job, but it is hard to define specifically what is required as each situation is different.
Communication Skills
No Competency:
Attend CoPs, GCaMM, and other online and live events
Listen to EthnoArts podcast
Has knowledge about:
Assist at an ABF or other ethnoarts workshop
Present to partners and colleagues
Can do with Assistance:
Identify and promote ways of collaborating cross-domain
Write ethnoarts activities into project proposals and other plans
Can do independently:
Write and publish academic articles
Stories and Examples
No Competency:
Read about ethnoarts and the ethnodoxology movement.
Mission Frontiers issue on ethnodoxology
Has knowledge about:
Write and talk about ethnoarts with churches and partners
Start conversations about ethnoarts with supervisors and colleagues in other domains
Identify and be able to share several ethnoarts case studies that are relevant to your situation
Can do with Assistance:
Write a newsletter, blog post, article, or make a video about ethnoarts
Can do independently:
Present at a conference.