What we do

 When communities recognize their own artistic forms of language as powerful communication, they open up profound possibilities for becoming more like the kingdom of Heaven: People engaging deeply with well-translated Scripture, repentance and renewal, families strengthened, improved health, and more hope. 

EthnoArts approaches and personnel can open this door wide.

We Help Communities Meet their Goals 

People use language to make things happen: forge a friendship, pass on life crucial knowledge to children, become more like Jesus. EthnoArts personnel focus on helping people engage with particularly energizing kinds of language, namely, communication genres marked by artistry. We work alongside local singers, actors, dancers, story tellers and artisans, researching and documenting a community’s performing and visual arts, and then sparking artistic creation to help reach translation, Scripture Engagement, and language development goals.

Arts personnel have helped communities

For many more examples, see the Program Planning Tool for Ethnoarts.

SIL's Ethnoarts Approach Comes from Jesus 

We model ethnoarts missional work on Jesus' incarnational example (Phil 2:1-11): 

Be with. Jesus left his “home culture” with God the Father and joined humanity in Palestine (Earth). Our first task in mission is to live with people in community and make relationships.

Learn from. Jesus learned from human beings in his Palestinian community for almost 30 years before he began his full ministry. Our second interaction as arts facilitators is to ask people about their community’s arts and their goals. We show them love by learning from them. This process may happen over a long time.

Work toward. Only after going to humans and learning from them for three decades did Jesus announce and fulfill his purpose publicly (Mt 4:23). He worked side by side with his disciples toward the goals of his kingdom. He healed, taught, exorcised demons, rebuked, comforted, affirmed, endured torture and ridicule, died, resurrected, and sent his people to preach him and his kingdom all over the world.

       Our third missional activity, after going to people and learning from them, is to work toward goals with them. As arts facilitators, we do this by exploring with our friends and colleagues in the community how we might work together to use their arts to meet their goals.

Ethnoarts Stories of Hope and Transformation 

Arts Consultants: At Work gives a firsthand account of how the Mono church (DR Congo) turned a rejected art form into a Scripture-infused catalyst for revival and spiritual growth. 

Harriet Slwooko, a Siberian Yupik Inupiat living in Alaska, shares the profound effects of Arts for a Better Future on her life. Worship and culture can flow.

Arts Consultant: Understanding illustrates the complexity of a performance, describes some of the analytical tools that we teach, and how to comprehend the form and meaning of a particular event. Available also available in Spanish, French, and Korean.

Music: Heart's Language, The story of Sanggar Seni Peronde and the Tado people of Sulawesi. Can there be too much joyful crying?

Sparking Creativity describes the work of one of our colleagues in Burkina Faso which also is available in Korean

For a fuller list of ethnodoxology related programs, see the Global Ethnodoxology Network's web site.

Reflective Communities

We encourage rigorous reflection on topics related to ethnoarts in many contexts. This may happen with international or regional scholarly organizations, government sponsored events to present research, local organizations dedicated to language and culture development, even informal groups meeting in someone's house to think about how best to use their resources to improve their communities' lives.

International Scholarly Organizations:

 Global Ethnodoxology Network

 British Forum for Ethnomusicology 

 The Folklore Society 

International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

Society for Ethnomusicology