Cross-domain Knowledge
Is able to relate ethnoarts to other domains.
Ethnoarts workers need to have a broad understanding of other domains and specialties to identify connections with the arts.
No Competency:
Observe other domains at work.
Attend another domain's Community of Practice
Attend training sessions.
Join an community dedicated to media.
Explore the SIL International Media Services website.
Has knowledge about:
Assist with a media project
Attend a workshop or training offered by SIL International Media Services
Read the SIL Digital Strategy Guide
Can do with Assistance:
Cooperate with a media specialist on a project
Design and implement a cross-domain project with a community
Collaborate on a project with a specialist from another domain
Can do independently:
Create and/or collaborate with others for locally-appropriate, ethnoarts-infused media projects.
Trauma Healing
No Competency:
Explore the Trauma Healing Institute's website.
Participate in a Trauma Healing workshop.
Learn about trauma healing basics.
Has knowledge about:
Attend a Trauma Healing CoP, or session.
Become a Trauma Healing facilitator.
Attend a workshop or training offered by the Trauma Healing department.
Can do with Assistance:
Become a Trauma Healing master facilitator.
Attend an Arts and Trauma Healing class, such as this one offered by DIU.
Design and implement a cross-domain project with a community
Collaborate on a project with a specialist from another domain
Obtain the Graduate Certificate in Arts and Trauma Healing from DIU.
Can do independently:
Train others in Arts and Trauma Healing
Scripture Engagement
No Competency:
Observe SE specialists and consultants at work
Familiarize yourself with the research questions and explanatory videos on the site.
Attend the Scripture Engagement CoP (or other SE-related sessions) on
Has knowledge about:
Do a Scripture Engagement assessment with a community (alongside an Initial Community Arts List)
Attend a workshop or training offered by the Scripture Engagement department.
Can do with Assistance:
Cooperate with a SE specialist or consultant on a project
Design and implement a SE cross-domain project with a community
Can do independently:
Work toward an MA in World Arts with a focus on Scripture Engagement from DIU.
No Competency:
Observe literacy workshops and activities.
Read the Orality Journal issue on Translation, Literacy, and Orality.
Attend CoPs and other online events about literacy on
Watch this video presentation about "Arts in Literacy" by Mary Saurman and Liz Foerster
Has knowledge about:
Attend a workshop or training offered on Arts in Literacy
Read the Arts in Literacy Manual
Can do with Assistance:
Design and implement a cross-domain project with a community.
Collaborate on a project with a specialist from another domain.
Do an initial training for the "Arts in Literacy and Education Material Development” course ( There is online training at least once a year showing the integration of local arts into the material development and application processes.
Can do independently:
After some application and experience, do a second training with literacy and arts workers, but be part of the facilitation team.
The Payap University MA program in Language Development has a focused track on Literacy and a focused track on ethnoarts.
No Competency:
Observe a translation project.
Read the Orality Journal issue on Translation, Literacy, and Orality.
Learn about Oral Bible Translation
Has knowledge about:
Join sessions or the EMDC BT Training and Development CoP
Take basic linguistics classes:
Attend a workshop or training offered by the translation domain.
Attend the annual Bible Translation Conference
Can do with Assistance:
Design and implement a cross-domain project for ethnoarts and a translation program with a community.
Collaborate on a translation project, such as Psalms translation or something similar which lends itself to artistic communication.
Can do independently:
Partner with language projects to facilitate translation of artistic passages of Scifpture such as proverbs, poetry, song, story, etc.