Arts Analysis
Is able to perform an initial analysis of the artistic features of a community’s artistic genres.
Analyses contribute vitally to local communities’ efforts to address their needs and aspirations. Instructional methodologies include participation in these arts.
Artistic analysis methodology and techniques
No Competency:
Read the Creating Local Arts Together handbook
Attend an Arts for a Better Future workshop
Attend an Introduction to EthnoArts course (offered every other year at Payap University)
Has knowledge about:
Take the course Expressive Form Analysis
Participate in an Arts internship in a community
Perform artistic analysis alongside a mentor or colleague
Can do with Assistance:
Help teach an analysis course or workshop.
Perform artistic analysis and discuss with a mentor or colleagues.
Regularly read research papers with analysis components.
Can do independently:
Keep a regular reading schedule; continue to extend your personal understanding of ethnoarts research and applications and concepts.
Submit analyses to REAP.
No Competency:
Learn to use a smartphone for quality audiovisual recording.
Learn about or take a brief course/workshop in field recording techniques.
Try using the Song Genre survey from the Arts Dataset program in a community.
Has knowledge about:
Engage with a community and complete an ICAL (Initial Communty Arts List) or similar documentation, including audiovisual components.
Take a course from IMS or EMDC pre-training tracks or another similar opportunity
Can do with Assistance:
Transcribe various examples of artistic expressions for research documentation and teaching purposes
Write a CAP (Community Arts Profile) and publish or present an article.
Can do independently: