Professional Development
Is able to maintain proficiency in the broad field of ethnoarts.
Ethnoarts workers need to be able to engage with a local community to catalyze the creation of new vernacular Scripture-based and community-development messages in indigenous forms of artistic communication.
No Competency:
Write down long-term goals.
Read books about consulting and cross-cultural consulting.
links and ideas here
Has knowledge about:
Assist someone in reporting through Rev79 or another platform
Read reports submitted by other arts personnel.
Can do with Assistance:
Regular reports are submitted through Rev79 or similar.
Complete annual reviews with a supervisor.
Workshop and other ethnoarts activities are reported on.
Can do independently:
Document your work through reports intended to be shared with others
Growth Plan
No Competency:
Read sample growth plans.
Has knowledge about:
Create a simple growth plan with a mentor, and regularly update it.
Can do with Assistance:
Maintain a growth plan and discuss it with a supervisor or mentor
Can do independently:
Continue to maintain a growth plan, keeping it updated and regularly discussing it with supervisors and mentors.
Community of Practice
No Competency:
Attend ethnoarts CoPs, webinars, and events.
Has knowledge about:
Attend other ethnoarts training events, or events which include an ethnoarts component.
Can do with Assistance:
Regular, active participation in EthnoArts CoPs.
Occasional participation in the CoPs of other domains or other relevant meetings.
Can do independently:
Present about your work at CoPs and other events
Participation in Professional Organizations and Conferences
No Competency:
Visit the websites of professional organizations to see what they offer, value, and subscribe to their free updates or newsletters.
list here
Has knowledge about:
Become certified by GEN as an Arts Worker
Can do with Assistance:
Join professional organizations such as:
and others
Become certified by GEN as an Arts Specialist
Can do independently:
Actively participate in professional organizations.
Publish in scholarly journals.
Become certified by GEN as an Arts Training Specialist.
Consultant Training
No Competency:
Read books and articles on ethnoarts
Has knowledge about:
Take an e-learning course on consultancy
Can do with Assistance:
Attend a consultant training/development workshop (MCDW).
Can do independently:
Assist with a consultant training event
Become an expert:
Apply for Senior Consultant status, or work towards meeting the qualifications